We accept subsidy through the Region of Peel. Please visit the Region of Peel website to apply for subsidy. For more information http://peelregion.ca/children/apply-for-subsidy/

Infant Care Services by Rainbow Academy Learning and Child Care Centre - Bolton Childcare

Infant Care

Bolton Infant Childcare Services

Our unique full-day program offers a caring and stimulating environment designed to meet the individual needs of each child. Personalized schedules, feeding times and daily charting help each child to develop at their own pace. Time is spent both indoors and outside, and children are encouraged to explore their world in a safe and loving environment. Daily activities, crafts, songs, games and age appropriate educational toys all combine to provide the perfect atmosphere for growing minds and bodies.

We believe that a strong loving relationship between the care giver and the child is essential, as well as that between the care giver and the family. Communication is an important, integral part of that relationship and the partnership formed with the child as the child is the focus. Each routine and care giving ritual is individualized for that specific child, his/her temperament and needs. Language and non-verbal communication are both key in the infant classrooms. Children are responded to and their needs addressed individually as the child and the family dictates.

Each infant’s routines and family practices from home are incorporated as much as possible into the care giving at our centre. This consistency of the routines, schedules, transitions and practices from home, help the infants establish security and keep their patterns consistent and predictable.

We believe that a childcare should be a place where infants can connect with the natural world. An infant classroom should be a warm, safe, and friendly environment where the children can play learning and learn playing. Infants should develop in growth in an environment where they feel respected and valued, and in a place where their choices can be heard. Our vision is to help children develop strong self-esteem to enable them to become competent and confident learners.

Toddler Care Services by Rainbow Academy Learning and Child Care Centre - Licensed Childcare in Bolton
Infant Toddler Childcare


6 - 18 Months

Infant Toddler Childcare


6:30 AM - 6: 30 PM

Infant Toddler Childcare


Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills
Hand Eye Coordination
Language Skills
Emotional Development

